Terms of Service

1. General Provisions

1.1. This document (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") establishes the general rules for using the hosting services provided by Hosting-Cloud (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") to the Client (hereinafter referred to as the "Client").

1.2. By using the Company's services, the Client agrees to comply with these Terms and all applicable laws of Ukraine.

2. Hosting Services

2.1. The Company provides hosting services that include:

  • Website hosting.
  • Data storage.
  • Ensuring the availability of hosted resources via the internet.
  • Providing technical support related to the hosting services.

3. Client Responsibilities

3.1. The Client agrees to:

  • Use the hosting services in compliance with Ukrainian laws and these Terms.
  • Ensure the content hosted does not violate any applicable laws, including but not limited to laws on intellectual property, privacy, and data protection.
  • Refrain from hosting content that is illegal, harmful, or offensive.
  • Maintain the security of their account credentials and promptly notify the Company of any unauthorized access or security breaches.
  • Ensure that the hosted content and code do not harm the server's performance or compromise its security.

4. Prohibited Activities

4.1. The Client is prohibited from:

  • Hosting or distributing any illegal content, including but not limited to pirated software, child pornography, and content that violates intellectual property rights.
  • Using the hosting services to engage in any illegal activities, including hacking, phishing, and spamming.
  • Disrupting the normal operation of the Company's servers or other clients' accounts.

5. Company Responsibilities

5.1. The Company agrees to:

  • Provide the hosting services in accordance with these Terms and Ukrainian laws.
  • Ensure the proper functioning of server equipment.
  • Take measures to protect the server infrastructure from unauthorized access and security threats.
  • Provide technical support to resolve issues related to the hosting services.

6. Limitation of Liability

6.1. The Company is not liable for:

  • Any content hosted by the Client.
  • Any losses or damages resulting from the Client's actions or the use of the hosting services.
  • Any downtime or interruptions in the hosting services caused by factors beyond the Company's control.

7. Support and Communication

7.1. All support and communication regarding the hosting services must be conducted through the Company's support system.

7.2. The Company will provide support services to address issues related to the server infrastructure and hosting services.

8. Amendments

8.1. The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms with prior notification to the Client.

8.2. Continued use of the hosting services after any amendments constitutes acceptance of the revised Terms.

9. Termination

9.1. The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Client's account in case of violation of these Terms or applicable laws.

9.2. The Client may terminate the use of the hosting services at any time by notifying the Company.

10. Governing Law

10.1. These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.

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